Sunday, March 12, 2017

About me

For those that may want to follow me on Twitter (@Ken_Cooney), here are some things about me.

Q: Do I really make comic books?
A: Yes, I self-publish indie digest-sized comic books. I also do some minicomics as well! I have absolutely NO drawing background! No art degrees. No classes. No mentors. Not a single luxury. It's like Robinson Crusoe; as primitive as can be! But, I CAN draw and I'm pretty good at it! Just look through my feed!

Q: Is it just you?
A: Yes. I do everything. I write, pencil, ink, edit, letter, and even write my own tweets!

Q: What kind of comics do you make?
A: Humor comics and not your typical Disney kind of "humor" comics. There is not a lot of decent funny comics out there and I like to draw and make people laugh, so it's a perfect fit! I also work on a serious 24hr comic when I feel crazy enough to make a comic in 24hrs.

Q: Are you naturally funny?
A: I ate a lot of stuff with red number 40 as a teen, so I'm probably artificially funny. I do tell puns, so you have been warned!

Q: How do I get your comics?
A: I have some free comics at and click "Fred Stuff". You can support me and buy comics at ... unfortunately, I can't do free shipping since my post office doesn't offer free shipping.

Q: What do you do besides making comics?
A: I have an exciting job as a computer programmer!!! (yeah, I'm not buying that "exciting" part, either). So, this is a spare-time (usually sacrificing sleep) kind of thing.

Years and years ago, I wrote for a non-defunct UMNEWS mailing listservice (it's like signing up to get posts in your email). The mailing list was called Superguy and it was about humorous takes on superheros. All of it was original characters, albeit with some tongue-in-cheek references to Marvel/DC superheroes. I wrote stories about various super hero groups and characters that I created. I think it totaled over 100 posts. Maybe someday I'll put some in comic book format someday...

I also was published in Pyramid Magazine, a Steve Jackson Games RPG magazine. I got paid in product (and a TON of product!!!) ... yeah, it was my choice as I was probably going to buy all that stuff anyways (though a lot of it was out of print stuff). I got maybe 6x the value in RPG books!

Q: Do you have a Twitter account and if so, do tweet a lot?
A: I do but I rarely use it. I get more feedback on my Instagram account. So, I post there. Loik for @sparkcomics

Q: Do you do comic book cons?
A: I did two cons in Columbus,OH. I plan on doing one in Cincinnati, OH next year. Most cons are too expensive (tables costing $200+).

Q: Do you do "follow for follow"?
A: No, I don't for two reasons:
     1. I like to follow people that draw or peak my interest. It's hard following 10,000 people (and honestly, those people probably don't view their feed). So, I'm very selective.
     2. Most people that do the "follow for follow" stuff end up unfollowing after a few weeks. Yeah, I know that trick. I tried the follow for follow and unfollowing people who unfollow me and it gets tiring.

Q: Anything else I should know?
A: I believe in facts. I believe that journalists (the 4th estate) is not an enemy of the United States. I very, very rarely tweet about that stuff, but I'm just throwing that out there! I also support anyone that works in comics, regardless of race, country of origin, sex, sexual preference, etc.

Q: Why am I still reading your FAQs?
A: I have no idea. Um, I could tell you about TV shows that inspire me: Get Smart, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Underdog, Danger Mouse...

Q: No, that's okay...
A: and tell you comic books that inspire me like The Tick, Ralph Snart, Groo, and of course Mad Magazine ...

Q: No, really, I'm good.
A; Oh, I listen to a VERY wide range of music, most of it not played on the radio! Music is one of my passions. I have hundreds of CDs. Like maybe 500-700. I lost count. Did I mention that I was a DJ when I was in college?

Q: Okay, I'll be going now.
 A: Oh, and I love chocolate! Dark chocolate! And I drink my coffee black, like my dad did. And I like those dense cake donuts! I used to go to a great donut shop when I was a kid but it's closed now. There aren't that many mom and pop donut shops any more and a lot of them try to be all fancy-schmancy! I hate that. Oh, my favorite tea is Earl Grey and it has nothing to do with Star Trek!

Q: Seriously, I'm going now.
A: Okay, nice chat! Stop by again sometime!

I'm working on a minicomic for SPACE

So, I'm working on a minicomic for SPACE (Columbus, OH Mar 25+26). It's the Self Publishing and Alternative Comics Expo. I have my digest sized comics (two issues, professionally printer). So, I wanted to make something I could sell for a buck. Unlike most mini comics, I want it to look like an actual comic book.

What do I mean by look like an actual comic book? It'll have more than a quick drawing in the center and maybe 1-2 sentences of text. It'll have detailed drawings, multiple panels, a decent amount of captions and dialog. It'll LOOK like a comic book.

Here is the cover. Anyone that is worth their salt in comic books KNOWS what comic book cover I'm parodying here. It'll be 12 pages. All b&w. And I'll say it again. It'll look like a comic book!